Sunday, November 16, 2008

Murder Mystery: Deadwood Saloon

The murder scene

Kristin, Lizzie, Harry High Stakes, Minnie Money

Elizabeth Money, Montgomery Money

Saloon Girls

Minnie Money, Taffy Garrette

Poker Alice, Minnie Money, Pheobe Calhoon

Sherriff Sam, Marshal Dalton, Billy-the-Bartender, Clay Coldwell

Holly Hicock, Anna Belle, Minnie Money


Anonymous said...

Looks like the party was a success! How fun!

The Finlays said...

Looks like a lot of fun! There were some cute boys there too. ;)

Justin and LeAnne said...

Did you figure out who the murder was? How many people figured it out?

Justin and LeAnne said...

Sherriff Sam is woody from toy story. look at the picture of all the guys in the kitchen, But make it big. Know tell me that is not woody!

jamiemp said...

I didn't figure it out...there were only like 3 people that figured it out! We were not so good at that part...I was busy keeping things going...and yes...LeAnne you are right...he does look like Woody in that picture! :)

Justin and LeAnne said...

That was a Justin comment about Woody.

Anonymous said...

Oh que genial!
era alguna clase de juego....creo que importare la idea .
saludos eres grande!


Lanenga Family said...

Just like my 16th birthday--do you remember?! By the way, I love the scarf and boots. Shouldn't you have shown more leg?? :)